Sunday, 18 January 2009

Life, classes, exhibitions and the rest


Hi folks, I have eventually got back into the swing of life, school runs and teaching my Watercolour classes this week and last....I can't say it's been easy, firstly there's been all the chocolates, nuts and alcohol to clear in one big fell swoop of gluttony, hard work that one! Then there's been the school run coupled with the fact that it's either been a) permanently night time, making getting the kids "up and out" erm, fractious, would be the polite way of describing it or b) below freezing prompting the Sandra and Frank de-icer/scraper dance! If you think this sounds humorous, it isn't. Remotely.


I started a new evening class this week at Rickleton Primary School which proved successful, although I did have some people who were returning from the last 10 week run, it's always a bit nerve racking wondering if anyone will turn up! However they did and I may have to start another evening class to accommodate both beginners and the more advanced

I have a class at Pennywell, which is ongoing through term time now rather than being 10 week sessions, where I teach both Watercolour and Acrylics. I have adapted the lessons from straight Watercolours because the class consists of people with learning difficulties and disabilities and I find they understand the concept of Acrylics better and I can adapt the subject matter more easily for those with restricted or shaky movement.

My "Mackem" pals at Herrington have managed to secure a grant for this year, I merged them along with my Sandhill possy and they all got along swimmingly! This was because there wasn't the demand for Watercolours at Sandhill, although I am looking to start an Acrylics class there in February.


Well just the one actually! I will be showing my work at the Washington Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre from the March 29th till April 25th. Unfortunately they haven't got the facilities for an Opening Evening (you could always drink to my health and success on the appropriate date!) but entrance to view is free, unless you want to go and feed the birdys!

And the rest...

I am hoping that by the next posting to have my web-site up and running and also to be adding hints and tips for watercolour painting. The picture shown is a Watercolour of the old South Pier Lighthouse in Sunderland, I used it in a recent class to demonstrate light, shade and graded washes.

Hope you like it,

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